Effective cleaning and paint removal with up to 3,000 bar high-pressure water. Treatment with water at high pressure enables high area performance in a short time and lets surfaces look like new. The substrate is optimally prepared at the same time. Completely without chemicals. Completely without blasting material. Surface cleaning and renovation in one step and with minimum disposal costs. For environmental reasons and due to the high disposal costs of contaminated blasting material, sand blasting is being increasing replaced worldwide by ultra high-pressure jet technology. Rust paint removal hydro water jet is the best way now.
Why choose Rust paint removal hydro water jet ?
High-pressure water jetting produces only very low impact forces. Layers are removed selectively, without attacking the base material. Damage to structures is also eliminated, just as are blasting material residues. In contrast to this, sandblasting leaves residues on the treated surface that are not visible to the naked eye, which gives rise to faulty coating.
For rust removal, 500-1500bar.
For paint removal, at least 1800bar.
Hot sale models of High Pressure Hydro Jetters for Rust Paint Removal